more outrageous
- adj.无法容忍的;骇人的;反常的;令人惊讶的
- outrageous的比较级

Possibly , because I have an even more outrageous suggestion that will increase any perceived tedium .
Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools ; the more outrageous the costume , the better .
Now the nail technician admits she has an addiction , but still plans to have her so-called trout pout made even more outrageous .
But her VMA performance wasn 't a matter of exhaustion or burnout . It was an attempt to slough off an outdated young brand with one that 's much more outrageous .
LAUREN TODD : " It was enough to be posted on Facebook , but it was actually more outrageous than that , and I felt like I needed to do something about it . "
And just when you thought Gaga couldn 't get any more outrageous , she 's going to make a down-home meal of deep-fried turkey and waffles – with the help of chef Art Smith .
Ourmoms and dads would always lie to us : " Oh , we picked you up out of a garbagecan ! " or " You fell from heaven , " and there 's an even more outrageous one , " It was a gift from topping up your phone card ! " Haha , that'shilarious .
You won 't see many of them nowadays but in the1970s and1980s young people were rebelling and finding more and more outrageous ways of looking and thinking differently .
More personal attacks on media members , more public sniping from league executives , more historic efficiency , more outrageous game-winners , and more drama that carries us right to the final week of the year .